Roadside signs — Blog for Mobile Billboards in Australia. Digital mobile Billboards and Walking Boards, Bike Boards, Truck Billboards, Printed Mobile Billboards, VMS, Mural Truck Billboards

Roadside signs

do i need council approval for a vms board?

It depends on the location and the size of the VMS board. In general, VMS boards are considered to be a form of advertising and are regulated by local governments. Before installing a VMS board, you will likely need to obtain approval from your local council or other government agency.

The process of obtaining approval can vary depending on the location, but generally, you will need to submit an application to the council, providing details of the proposed VMS board and its location. The council will then assess the application and determine if it complies with local regulations and planning laws.

There are generally different rules and regulations for different types of VMS boards. For example, in some areas, a VMS board located on a private property may not require council approval, while a VMS board located on a public road or a billboard may require approval.

It's best to check with your local council or other relevant authority for specific guidelines and regulations in your area.

Media Dash is always here to help with any question about your next VMS board campaign anywhere in Australia.